The Pope is Antichrist

pope-is-antichristIn the Reformation 500 Winter Conference held February 2nd-4th, 2017, Christ Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCGA) presented several lectures pertaining to the subject matter of the Westminster Confession that says (WCF 25:6):

There is no other Head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 1:22; Col 1:18): nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God (Mat 23:8-10; 2 Thes 2:3-4, 8-9; Rev 13:6).

Links and embedded audio players have been added for your convenience. We encourage you to listen to these helpful lectures. Notes for each lecture can be found here.

1. Why this topic, Why now? (Rev. Todd Ruddell)

2. Rejecting Gamaliel’s Counsel: The Council of Trent (Rev. Justin Stodghill)

3. Antichrist in Old Testament Prophecy (Rev. Todd Ruddell)

4. Antichrist in the Epistles of Paul (Rev. Todd Ruddell)

5. A Brief History of the Papacy (Mr. Thomas Allie)

6. Antichrist in the Epistles of John and the Apocalypse (Rev. Todd Ruddell)

[Antichrist] shall be a master of sin and all iniquity, and yet will retain the name and appearance of Christ and call himself “most holy one; vicar of God; head of the Church,” and persecute all who will not obey him… the pope more than fits this description.
— Martin Luther

Men would have us more modest than to call the Pope Antichrist; but as long as he doth exercise a tyranny over the conscience, we shall never give over that term.
— Thomas Manton

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